Person    | Male  Born 30/11/1821  Died 23/12/1902

Frederick Temple, Bishop of London

Categories: Religion

Born Greece. Bought up in Devon. 1876 married Beatrice Blanche Lascelles. Bishop of London, 1885 - 1896. Archbishop of Canterbury 1896 - death. One of the last ceremony at which he officiated was the coronation of Edward VII. Died Lambeth Palace.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Frederick Temple, Bishop of London

Commemorated ati

Knightsbridge - 5 - Temple

We original thought this was Gladstone (who had died only a few years before)...

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Frederick Temple, Bishop of London

Creations i

How memorial gateway

{On the front:} How Memorial Gateway {On the back:} Erected AD MDCCCXCIV {18...

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