
Vitruvian man

Erection date: 1984


{On the front of the base:}
Homage to Leonardo

{Plaque attached to the back of the base reads:}
Homage to Leonardo
From the original conception by the Italian sculptor Enzo Plazzotta (1921 - 1981). Completed by his assistant Mark Holloway in 1982 and sponsored by Mr & Mrs John Harbert III. Birmingham, Alabama.

On a plaque which can be read from the pavement:}
Homage to Leonardo ‘The Vitruvian Man’
Enzo Plazzotta (1921 – 1981). 
Completed posthumously by Mark Holloway in 1982.  Sited in 1984.  Kindly sponsored by Mr and Mrs John Harbert III.

This statue is a representation of 'The Vitruvian Man', a world-renowned drawing by Leonardo da Vinci in about 1487. Wikipedia tells all you may wish to know.

Site: Vitruvian man (2 memorials)

SW1, Belgrave Square

The Cultural Section of the Italian Embassy is at 39 Belgrave Square. That may explain the location of this statue. Discovering London has a whole different take on this statue.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Vitruvian man

Subjects commemorated i

Leonardo da Vinci

Scientist, artist, etc. - a polymath, the first "renaissance man". Born in V...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Vitruvian man

Created by i

John Murdoch Harbert III

A wealthy construction industry leader in Birmingham, Alabama. Married Margue...

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Marguerite Nabers "Wita" Harbert

Marguerite Nabers Jones was born on 24 May 1923 in Birmingham, Jefferson Coun...

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Mark Holloway

Assistant to Enzo Plazzotta.

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Enzo Plazzotta

Sculptor. Born at Mestre, near Venice. Worked in London for more than half hi...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Vitruvian man

Also at this site i

George Z. Kaloghirou

George Z. Kaloghirou

In memory, George Z. Kaloghirou, 1915 - 2001, beloved father.

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