Person    | Female  Born 25/11/1849  Died 6/9/1938

Mary Watts

Categories: Craft / Design

Countries: India, Scotland

Born as Mary Seton Fraser Tytler in India but brought up in Scotland. 1886 married G. F. Watts. Co-founded the Compton Potters' Arts Guild and the Arts & Crafts Guild in Compton, Surrey. There she also had built the Watts Mortuary Chapel in Compton (1895); and the Watts Gallery (1903–04).

She had been involved with the Postman's Park Memorial to Heroic Self Sacrifice from its inception but on her husband's death in 1904 she took over his role and installed another 37 memorials.

This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Mary Watts

Creations i

PP - 2A - Smith

This is a lovely plaque but the fireman's helmet on a plaque for a police con...

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PP - 3I - Selves

David Selves, aged 12, off Woolwich supported his drowning playfellow and san...

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PP - 3J - Goodrum

A railway signalman controlled the trains by operating the points and signals...

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PP - 3K - Yarman

The surname was actually Jarman, and the woman that Mrs Jarman tried to save ...

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PP - 3L - Brown

Alexr. Stewart Brown of Brockley, fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, th...

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Other Subjects

William Caslon IV

William Caslon IV

In 1816 produced the first sans-serif printing type. Great grandson of William Caslon I.

Person, Craft / Design

1 memorial
Nobby Clark

Nobby Clark

In 2001-2 Clark was living close to Vauxhall Park and was a member of the Friends of Vauxhall Park.  He restored the model village there. Harry, his son, seems (2021) to be connected with Southwark...

Person, Community / Clubs, Craft / Design

1 memorial
Jeremy Robert Feakes

Jeremy Robert Feakes

Designer, entrepreneur and founder of the Urban Golf Tournament.  Urban Golf seems to be exactly what you'd imagine it might be and has been played in the East End, Siena, Hong Kong, Canada and Ven...

Person, Architecture, Craft / Design, Sport / Games

1 memorial
Piers Nicholson

Piers Nicholson

Sundial designer. Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers. His website. The photo is dated 2011. Son of environmentalist Max Nicholson.

Person, Craft / Design

2 memorials

Previously viewed

John Major
2 memorials