Guy's South African war memorial

Guy's South African war memorial

SE1, Great Maze Pond, Guy's Hospital - the Colonnade

2022: Sebastian Bulmer told us about AngloBoerWar which has extensive photographs of this lovely memorial and some good information about...

War dead | Other war
13 subjects commemorated
Happy married life

Happy married life

E9, Lauriston Road

{On the end of the trough:} The gift of L.S. and B.S. to commemorate 25 years of happy married life, 1881. {On the sides of the trough:}...

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator
Charity drinking fountain, La Maternité

Charity drinking fountain, La Maternité

EC2, Royal Exchange Buildings

'Wardmote' just means a meeting where decisions are made.

6 creators
St John the Evangelist garden

St John the Evangelist garden

SW1, Horseferry Road, St John the Evangelist garden

The garden's modern information board reads: This garden was acquired by the church of St John the Evangelist, Smith Square, for the use ...

1 subject commemorated, 5 creators
Marmaduke's drinking fountain

Marmaduke's drinking fountain

WC2, Endell Street

The arch from the Victorian drinking fountain has been rescued and reused above a modern drinking fountain, which no longer produces wate...

1 subject commemorated
Joseph Salter

Joseph Salter

NW1, Royal College Street

The green space behind this (defunct) drinking fountain is known as 'College Gardens' and was given to the Vestry of St Pancras (now Camd...

1 subject commemorated
Paul's Cross and the Richards family

Paul's Cross and the Richards family

EC4, St Paul's Churchyard

The figure on top is St Paul, of course.

7 subjects commemorated, 2 creators
Charles Kingsley water trough - NW1

Charles Kingsley water trough - NW1

NW1, Chalk Farm Road

{On the east end:} In memoriam Charles Kingsley {Above this there seems to be an 'F' but any other letters are illegible.} {On the nor...

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator
Bear fountain

Bear fountain

W2, Kensington Gardens

{On a ground level plaque:} 1859 - 1939. Presented by the Metropolitan Drinking Fountain & Cattle Trough Association to mark its 80t...

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator
Beloved friend

Beloved friend

N1, Pitfield Street

Is it likely that the beloved friend was a horse or dog rather than a person?

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator
33 more memorials