24th London Division - memorial
SW11, East Carriage Drive, Battersea Park
These 3 figures are said to be modelled on the soldier poets: Robert Graves, Wilfred Owen, and Siegfried Sassoon but the carved faces are...
These 3 figures are said to be modelled on the soldier poets: Robert Graves, Wilfred Owen, and Siegfried Sassoon but the carved faces are...
Designed by William Butterfield in 1865, this church is considered one of his best works.
The design of this Portland stone clock tower was chosen through competition by a committee of the Royal Academy from a field of 80. The...
The monument was designed by Hubert C. Corlette and the figure sculpted by Frederick W. Pomeroy. Unveiled by Princess Louise at Kensingto...
This is a classy plaque, very of its time. From Fanny Cornforth we learn that the text "death has...." is written by Henry Wilson and is...
This memorial was brought to our notice by our colleage Jamie Davis. He found the photo of the memorial behind the bus on Mike's Bus Pag...
The quotation from Hugo is very well-chosen. He was exiled from France for 15 years and returned the day after the fall of Napoleon III's...
{Front of memorial:} International Brigade In honour of the volunteers who left Hammersmith and Fulham to fight in the International Brig...
This monument, created from local stone, was originally erected on the battlefield in North Africa. First moved into a nearby garden for...
The names on the monument are of men whose claim to immortality is their role in running the Hospital rather than any heroic deed. Most ...