Children's Society - Edward Rudolf
WC1, Margery Street, Edward Rudolf House
One of the more unusual positions for a memorial. It's flat on the ground behind the low wall at the entrance to this building. Perhaps...
One of the more unusual positions for a memorial. It's flat on the ground behind the low wall at the entrance to this building. Perhaps...
A plaque inside St Mary's church also commemorates the prince. October 2014: We were contacted by someone saying "... the majority of yo...
This is Mo's post box for the 5,000m; he has another one for the 10,000m at 477 London Road, TW7 (still to collect).
{On a nearby modern plaque:} The London Bridge niche. Portland stone. The stone niche was purchased by Guy's Hospital for 10 guineas and ...
These two piece of granite were discovered when the foundations for the Southwark Needle were being dug so they were erected as seats as ...
Clearly inspired by the shape of water-going vessels - even the plaque is ship-shaped.
Bronze head on granite plinth with gold leaf inscriptions.
Occupied by a restaurant, One08, who, disappointingly, don't make a feature of the stained glass window on their website. We'd hoped to ...
We could find no plaque or information board explaining this very unusual construction.