Simon Wolff
N6, Archway Road
This object is known as an armillary sphere, or astrolab - a skeletal celestial sphere showing the rotation of the heavenly bodies, aroun...
This object is known as an armillary sphere, or astrolab - a skeletal celestial sphere showing the rotation of the heavenly bodies, aroun...
This is an extremely unusual memorial - a handwritten notice and a photograph placed in a window for passers-by to see. And, important ...
At New River Head the water in the New River flowed into a Round Pond.
We were contacted by the people at London Street Views who are researching the Street Views of 1838 - 47, produced by John Tallis. They h...
The top picture is a scan from a leaflet about this walk, available from: It shows that the walk actually ...
This small brass plaque is attached to the panelling beside the door, near the bell-push.
This memorial is a sundial in the shape of a armillary sphere - see Wolff for another example. The sphere is supported by 4 silhouetted g...
This is a small, simple monument, placed at pavement level, not raised on a plinth. Despite this, it has a dignity and gravitas that many...