
Orbell fountain - Paddington Street Gardens

Erection date: /7/1886


The gift of E. B. O. 1886

The inscription was nigh-on invisible so we took the opportunity to practice our  finger-reading skills, which always attracts attention, especially from children curious about what it is we are so curious about.

The metal arrangement on top of the fountain has been added in the last few decades.  Armillary spheres are sometimes used to carry a memorial (see Simon Wolff) but we could see none here.

Site: Orbell fountain - Paddington Street Gardens (1 memorial)

W1, Paddington Street Gardens (south), Paddington Street

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Orbell fountain - Paddington Street Gardens

Created by i

Emily Bessie Orbell

Second child of 12. Parents John and Catherine Orbell of Brundon Mill, Ballin...

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