
Virtues - Compassion

Erection date: 25/11/1952

Anna Akhmatova, looking towards Anrep's gravestone (in another panel) and surrounded by the horrors of war, is visited by an angel. To the right are naked bodies that appear to be falling into a pit. Afisha London has photo of the whole panel.

Site: National Gallery - Anrep mosaics - Virtues (15 memorials)

WC2, Trafalgar Square, National Gallery - Staircase Hall - North Vestibule

See National Gallery - Anrep mosaics - Muses for general information about these mosaic floors.

The 1954 'Modern Virtues' is in a style very different from that of the earlier 'Muses' floor, with scenes depicted inside frames which carry each scene’s title. These panels appear to be laid on a mosaic floor with a geometric pattern, on which autumnal leaves have fallen – trompe l'oeil in mosaic.

This 'Modern Virtues' floor was gifted (which we take to mean funded) by Maud Russell and opened on 25 November 1952.

To avoid database clutter we have put the Creator links on just the page for the Anrep panel.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Virtues - Compassion

Subjects commemorated i

Anna Akhmatova

Russian poet. Living at a time of war, revolution and the Soviet regime, she ...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Virtues - Compassion

Also at this site i

Virtues - Anrep

Virtues - Anrep

Carved at the top of the gravestone is a portrait of Anrep himself. The image...

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Virtues - Compromise

Virtues - Compromise

We initially thought this odd scene may refer to one of Loretta Young's films...

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Virtues - Curiosity

Virtues - Curiosity

Lord Rutherford wears a coronet - he had been raised to the peerage in 1931. ...

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Virtues - Defiance

Virtues - Defiance

In front of the white cliffs of Dover Winston Churchill, in his signature sir...

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Virtues - Delectation

Virtues - Delectation

In a formal garden Margot Fonteyn sits demurely listening to Edward Sackville...

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