
Eisenhower statue

Erection date: 23/1/1989


{On the front, north-east, face of this five-sided plinth, and then going clockwise:}
Dwight David Eisenhower
{five carved stars in a circle}
1890 -1969

{On the third face of the plinth:}
First Inaugural Address, January 20, 1953.
The faith we hold belongs not to us alone but to the free of all the world.

{On the fourth face of the plinth:}
Order of the day, June 6, 1944.
Soldiers, sailors and airmen of the Allied Expeditionary forces! You are about to embark upon the great crusade . . . . The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.

{On the base of the statue:}
Robert Dean, Sculptor

{The ground immediately below the plinth is inlaid with 5 large stars, and further out:}

{A square brass plaque:}
Dwight David Eisenhower, October 14, 1890 - March 28, 1969, General of the Army, President of the United States. A life of service to freedom.
- 1915 graduated from West Point
- 1916 married Mamie Geneva Doud
- 1935 U.S. Military mission to the Philippines
- 1942 Commander, Allied Forces, North Africa
- 1943 Supreme Allied Commander Europe
- 1944 Commander, Allied Invasion of Normandy
- 1948 President, Columbia University
- 1950 First Military Commander, NATO
- 1952 Elected President of the United States
- 1956 Re-elected President

{An oblong brass plaque:}
This memorial was given by residents of Kansas City, Missouri, in recognition of the service of their fellow citizens, Ambassador and Mrs Charles H. Price, II at the Court of St James’s, 1983 -1989.
January 23, 1989

{A shield-shaped brass relief depicting two palm leaves, two swords and two olive branches and:}
Vigilia Pretium Libertatis
{Refers to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, its emblem and its motto, Latin for "The Price of Freedom is Vigilance."}

{A shield-shaped brass relief depicting a flaming sword.}

{A round brass relief with the spread eagle and:}
Seal of the President of the United States

Portland stone plinth. Bronze statue. Unveiled by Mrs Thatcher and Charles Price. Note that Eisenhower was raised in Kansas City, hence the locals' interest in him.

Site: Eisenhower statue (1 memorial)

W1, Grosvenor Square

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Eisenhower statue

Subjects commemorated i

Dwight D. Eisenhower

President of the United States 1953-61. Born in Texas. 1915 graduated from ...

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Ambassador Charles H. Price, II

Charles Harry Price II was born on 1 April 1931 in Kansas City, Jackson Count...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Eisenhower statue

Created by i

Robert Dean

Robert Lee Dean, Jnr was born on 13 October 1929 in Byars, Oklahoma, USA and ...

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Margaret Thatcher

Prime Minister: 1979 - 1990. Born Grantham. MP for Finchley: 1959 - 1992. A M...

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