
St Mary Rotherhithe gate piers - south

Erection date: /10/1886


{On the white stone on the pier to the left of the opening:}
The necessary repairs to the walls, railings and gates of the churchyard burial ground were executed 1886.

{On the white stone on the pier to the right of the opening:}
Churchwardens - E. Rumney Smith, Francis T. Talbot
Overseers – Edwin Willoughby, Frederick T. Baker, John D. Hawkins, William Predam
October 1886

Given the state of the inscription we hope you are impressed with our ability to decipher it. We have to own that it is practically illegible and we can only read it because the wording is identical to that on the gate piers to the north. The only difference being that to the north it is all on one stone but here the list of names is on the right hand stone which is actually in such good condition we wonder if it is a reproduction.

Site: St Mary Rotherhithe gate piers - south (1 memorial)

SE16, St Marychurch Street, St Mary the Virgin

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
St Mary Rotherhithe gate piers - south

Subjects commemorated i

Frederick T. Baker

Overseer of St Marys Rotherhithe in 1886.

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John D. Hawkins

Overseer of St Marys Rotherhithe in 1886.

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William Predam

Overseer of St Marys Rotherhithe in 1886.

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E. Rumney Smith

Churchwarden of St Marys Rotherhithe in 1886.

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Francis T. Talbot

Churchwarden of St Marys Rotherhithe in 1886.

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