
Royal Military Asylum

Erection date: 2002


{On the east side of the stone on which the girl sits:}
Two pupils c.1814 from the Royal Military Asylum which occupied this site from 1803 - 1909 when the Duke of York's Royal Military School relocated to Dover.
Allister Bowtell, ARBS,Sculp. 2002

{On the bollard over which the boy jumps, in large embossed letters, twice:}
Hans Town 1819

The sculpture is Bowtell’s 'My Children' (or 'Two Pupils'). The plinth is by Kindersley.

The boy, wearing the school’s traditional uniform of jacket and breaches, is leap-frogging over a bollard which is cast from an original 1819 Hans Town bollard. Hans Town was developed by Henry Holland about 1780 - 1800 and covered the area either side of Sloane Street between Knightsbridge and Cadogan Place.

Site: Royal Military Asylum (1 memorial)

SW3, King's Road, Duke of York Square

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Royal Military Asylum

Subjects commemorated i

Royal Military Asylum / Duke of York's Royal Military School

From RBKC document: "...the Royal Military Asylum for the Children of Soldier...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Royal Military Asylum

Created by i

Allister Bowtell

From RBKC document: "Allister Bowtell died on 20 September 2006 and was given...

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Richard Kindersley

Sculptor and lettering artist, following his father's David's path.  Other Lo...

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