Erection date: 1868
{On a granite plaque below the statue:}
Henry Fitz Eylwin, Mayor 1189 to 1212.
Site: Holborn Viaduct - Fitz Eylwin (1 memorial)
EC4, Holborn Viaduct
Erection date: 1868
{On a granite plaque below the statue:}
Henry Fitz Eylwin, Mayor 1189 to 1212.
EC4, Holborn Viaduct
This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Holborn Viaduct - Fitz Eylwin
The first recorded Mayor of London: 1189 to 1212. Alternative spelling: Fitz-...
This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Holborn Viaduct - Fitz Eylwin
Bursill also sculpted the allegorical statues on Holborn bridge and seems to ...
The previously named North Bridge, was renamed as the Ken Friar bridge and the left hand panel erected on 14th April 2011. The right hand...
On this site there used to be a sister hotel to Hotel Russell, also designed by Charles Fitzroy Doll and erected in 1898. It was demolish...
This monument, now lost, was paid for by public subscription. This photo comes from the BBC, where it is captioned: "The life-size bronze...
{On the bench in front of the statues:} Plaque 1: The characters for this Portrait Bench chosen by your community celebrate Sustrans win...
9 foot 5 inches, bronze on a plinth at the centre of a low stepped platform. Unveiled by the Queen.
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