
Dudgeon's Wharf explosion - red plaque

Erection date: 17/7/2019


Honouring the bravery and sacrifice of {list of 5 names - see Subjects commemorated} of the London Fire Brigade who gave their lives in the line of duty at Dudgeons Wharf, London, 17th July 1969.

Unveiled on the 50th anniversary of the fire.

Site: Dudgeon's Wharf explosion (2 memorials)

E14, Sextant Avenue, Thames Path

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Dudgeon's Wharf explosion - red plaque

Subjects commemorated i

Dudgeon's Wharf explosion

J. & W. Dudgeon were shipbuilders on the Thames. The company passed throu...

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London Fire Brigade

The London Fire Engine Establishment, formed in 1833 under the leadership of ...

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Fm.John Victor Appleby

Fireman killed in the Dudgeon's Wharf explosion. Andrew Behan has researched...

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Fireman Terence Joseph Patrick Breen

Terence Joseph Patrick Breen was born on 19 May 1932, his birth being registe...

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Fm. Trevor Paul Carvosso

Fireman killed in the Dudgeon's Wharf explosion. Andrew Behan has researched...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Dudgeon's Wharf explosion - red plaque

Created by i

Fire Brigades Union

From their website: "The FBU is one of the UK’s oldest specialist trade union...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Dudgeon's Wharf explosion - red plaque

Also at this site i

Dudgeon's Wharf explosion - oblong plaque

Dudgeon's Wharf explosion - oblong plaque

The unveiling of this plaque was reported in the East London Advertiser of 24...

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