Juno House
E2, Old Bethnal Green Road, Juno House
The oval plaque on the buildings reads: "Juno House - this block was built in 2005 by THCH and named after Juno from Roman mythology. She...
The oval plaque on the buildings reads: "Juno House - this block was built in 2005 by THCH and named after Juno from Roman mythology. She...
Ashleigh & India Houses, 1848. Houses for professors of the East India Company's Military Seminary. Croydon's Heritage
The plaque is to the right of the entrance.
Ipernity informs that this was set up as a memorial of Canon Mortlock, a head carved in 1936, long before his death in 1967, by Epstein.
From Exploring London: "... a stone (actually baked brick) upon which is inscribed cuneiform writing. ... which comes from a Zigurrat in ...
This church dates from the 12th century. From the church's website: "It has been altered, enlarged and restored many times and probably r...
Our photo of the plaque was taken 10 years before the photo of the building, and time had not improved the view, but, 2022, the building ...
The Listing entry gives the history of the building: "... On the Tithe map of 1801 there are narrow rectangular buildings in the plot now...
Janet Johnson (1858 - 1955) pioneer welfare worker. Lived at 39 Redcross Way. She became the first woman Guardian of the Poor in Southwar...
The Crafts have another plaque in this road but English Heritage are clear that this (number 26) is the house in which the Crafts settled...