Lopping Hall - foundation stone

Lopping Hall - foundation stone

IG10, Station Road, Lopping Hall

The erection of Lopping Hall, a community building, was funded by the City of London as compensation for the loss of lopping rights. See ...

9 subjects commemorated, 1 creator
Lopping Hall - High Road

Lopping Hall - High Road

IG10, High Road, 189

Lopping Hall stretches between the High Street and Station Road, where there is a foundation stone. See there for more information about ...

1 creator
West Hackney National Schools

West Hackney National Schools

N16, Evering Road, 9a

We weren't expecting the investigation into this plaque to turn up anything particularly interesting but go to the page for vicar Birch a...

2 subjects commemorated
Oriolet Hospital and Dr Oldfield

Oriolet Hospital and Dr Oldfield

IG10, Staples Road, 91

The plaque is on the site of the hospital's open-air ward block.

2 subjects commemorated, 1 creator
Barbara Harmer

Barbara Harmer

IG10, Staples Road, 91

The plaque is on the site of the hospital's open-air ward block.

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator
White Horse pub

White Horse pub

E14, Poplar High Street

Brought to our attention by Londonist whose article doesn't even mention the horse but for some perverse reason focuses on the mid-18th c...

1 subject commemorated
Sutton twin towns mural

Sutton twin towns mural

SM1, Sutton Court Road

Mushcamp is a misspelling of Muschamp.

1 subject commemorated, 9 creators
Elizabeth line

Elizabeth line

W2, Eastbourne Terrace, Paddington station

This must have been one of the Queen's last plaques.

2 subjects commemorated, 1 creator
St Jude - enlargement

St Jude - enlargement

N1, Mildmay Grove North

The church, the school and the vicarage are all in very distinctive Kentish ragstone and occupy the whole western end of this street bloc...

5 subjects commemorated
St Jude - tower

St Jude - tower

N1, Mildmay Grove North

AMDG stands for “Ad maiorem Dei gloriam”, the Latin motto of the Catholic Jesuits, meaning "For the greater glory of God"

6 subjects commemorated
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