Treatment Rooms 2 - mural
In our rather shady photo the Fred Hampton mural can just be seen, low down, below the window on the left side of the building. The Reichardt plaq...
Mosaic House, back
The Angola Three arch is above the first floor window on the left. The Kenny ‘Zulu’ Whitmore flying eyeball is at the right below the 2nd floor win...
Mosaic House, front
This house is/was the home of artist Carrie Reichardt. Across the top of the first floor bay window: "I'm an artist, your rules don't apply". The ...
John Blanke
The plaque is at the top of the grey column to the right of the central door. Presumably there is evidence that Blanke performed at Greenwich Palac...
Hugh John Moore - tree
The plaque is at the foot of the tree. Seems likely that Moore was based at the Wood Street police station (not shown in our photo, behind the came...