Austrian Centre
A social, cultural and political hub for Austrian exiles from the Nazis. The Centre housed a library, restaurant, theatre, political cabaret, concert venue and functioned as a publisher. It also of...
A social, cultural and political hub for Austrian exiles from the Nazis. The Centre housed a library, restaurant, theatre, political cabaret, concert venue and functioned as a publisher. It also of...
Another plaque at this site (for the first test match in England) just says D.R. London S.E.5, so we thought that the addition of 'Studio' after D.R. might give us more of a clue as to what this re...
An international organisation with the purpose of bringing together business and professional people, to provide humanitarian service, goodwill and peace around the world. It was formed in Chicago ...
An international development company based in the U.K. It helps other countries with their economies, health systems and financial management.
Hotel chain. Founded in Memphis, Tennessee, by Kemmons Wilson. There are currently (2018) about 2,500 hotels worldwide.