Essex Street, House & grounds
The site now covered by Essex Street and Devereux Court was once Essex House and grounds, named after Robert, Earl of Essex, Queen Elizabeth's favourite, who also led a rebellion against her which ...
Bedford Music Halls, Old and New
Performers and patrons were depicted by the artist Walter Sickert at the turn of the century.
Ship Tavern
Founded: AD 1549. Rebuilt: AD 1923 The Ship Tavern This tavern was established in the year 1549. During the proscription of the Roman Catholic religion it was used as a shelter for priests and se...
Church of the Assumption & St Gregory
The last remaining 'embassy chapel' as explained at Caroline's Miscellany and at Ian Visits. Built in the early 18th century. Following damage in the Gordon Riots this was rebuilt in 1790.
Trees replanted in the Hampstead Heath avenue
Replanted to replace trees destroyed by a hurricane during the night of 15/16 October 1987.
Clerks' well at Clerkenwell
First mentioned in 1174. Closed by about 1850 and effectively lost. Rediscovered in 1924 during building works. We normally find pictures of our subjects out on the web but we just could not find ...