Group    From 1834 

Royal Institute of British Architects

Categories: Architecture

From the RIBA website: "RIBA Awards are given for buildings that have high architectural standards and make a substantial contribution to the local environment. The awards are annual, and have been running continuously since 1966." But there must have been a previous scheme since the Stockleigh Hall memorial shows that RIBA was awarding the London Architecture Medal (with a very similar design) back in 1937. We've searched but can find no on-line list.

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This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Royal Institute of British Architects

Commemorated ati

Bronze RIBA Award at Stockleigh Hall

The round plaque above reads "London Architecture Medal, 1937, RIBA" and is n...

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Royal Institute of British Architects

Creations i

Churchill Gardens - opened

City of Westminster Churchill Gardens Opened by Her Grace the Duchess of Marl...

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Other Subjects

Robert Banks-Martin

Robert Banks-Martin

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Person, Architecture, Politics & Administration

2 memorials
Sir Ninian Comper

Sir Ninian Comper

Architect in the Gothic Revival style. Born Aberdeen. Died in Clapham in The Hostel of God, now Trinity Hospice. The description of the photo of Holy Trinity church Stroud Green includes the sugge...

Person, Architecture, Scotland

1 memorial
Charles H. Driver

Charles H. Driver

Architect, known for his pioneering use of ornamental iron work.  His work in London includes: The Crystal Palace/Great Exhibition, Thames Embankment, Abbey Mills Pumping House, a number of railway...

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1 memorial
Colen Campbell

Colen Campbell

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Person, Architecture, Scotland

1 memorial
Richard Seifert

Richard Seifert

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Person, Architecture, Switzerland

1 memorial