Media    From 1859  To 1895

'All the Year Round'

Charles Dickens' magazine.

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This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
'All the Year Round'

Commemorated ati

7 - Wine Office Court – Dickens

Mr Lirriper's Lodgings The Extra Christmas Number All the Year Round Charles ...

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Charles Dickens - WC2

This building housed the offices of Charles Dickens' magazine 'All the Year R...

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Other Subjects

A. Bell Booksellers

A. Bell Booksellers

On 1 September 1773 A. Bell Booksellers published a volume of poems by Phillis Wheatley. At this time book publishers and sellers were often the same people.

Group, Commerce, Journalism / Publishing

1 memorial
George Lansbury

George Lansbury

Born Suffolk. Member of the Poplar Borough Council 1903 - 1940, Mayor 1919 - 20 & 1936 - 37.  Member of Parliament, Minister of the Crown, Privy Councillor. Leader of the Labour Party 1932 - 35...

Person, Journalism / Publishing, Politics & Administration, Social Welfare

7 memorials
Samuel Beeton

Samuel Beeton

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1 memorial
Vladimir Kara-Murza

Vladimir Kara-Murza

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2 memorials
Edmund Clerihew Bentley

Edmund Clerihew Bentley

Humourist and writer. Born in Shepherd's Bush, he invented the verse form which took his middle name (his mother's maiden name), and is a four-line nonsense poem about a famous person; an example b...

Person, Journalism / Publishing, Literature, Poetry

1 memorial

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East India Company

East India Company

Formed as a trading company but went on to effectively rule India, on behalf of the British. Was involved in the slave trade.

Group, Commerce, Politics & Administration, Race Issues, Indian Sub-continent

5 memorials