Max Nicholson
Pioneering environmentalist, ornithologist and internationalist, a founder of the World Wildlife Fund, initiator of the Jubilee Walkway. Father of Piers Nicholson, sundial designer. Born Ireland a...
Pioneering environmentalist, ornithologist and internationalist, a founder of the World Wildlife Fund, initiator of the Jubilee Walkway. Father of Piers Nicholson, sundial designer. Born Ireland a...
Born Bristol (and/or found as a stray, sources differ). Mixed breed with a reputation for nipping visitor's legs, hence the name. His owner, Mark Barraud (1848-1887) worked as a scenery designer i...
Known as the PDSA, it was founded by Maria Dickin to provide free care for sick and injured animals of the poor. It operates throughout Great Britain in animal hospitals and practices, and is suppo...
These pets include Marjorie who died 2 July 190? and Boo, "an honest mare".
Artist, writer and sheep breeder. Born Helen Beatrix Potter at 2 Bolton Gardens, South Kensington where she lived in the third floor nursery until she was in her thirties. She used her second name ...
Person, Art, Children, Animals, Literature, Seriously Famous
The following text came from The RSPCA site: "In 1822, Richard Martin MP piloted the first anti-cruelty bill giving cattle, horses and sheep a degree of protection through parliament. ‘Humanity Dic...
Children's comic strip character. Created by the artist Mary Tourtel. In 1935, when her eyesight started failing the stories and illustrations were taken over by Alfred Bestall. An annual of Rupert...