Jonathan’s Coffee House
Founded by Jonathan Miles in Exchange Alley around 1680. In 1698 John Castaing posted a list of prices for stocks and commodities. And so traders who were expelled from the Royal Exchange used Jona...
Founded by Jonathan Miles in Exchange Alley around 1680. In 1698 John Castaing posted a list of prices for stocks and commodities. And so traders who were expelled from the Royal Exchange used Jona...
Born Trinidad. Moved to New York where she became a Communist. Caught up in the McCarthy trials she was imprisoned and then extradited to Britain in December 1955. Became a community organiser aft...
Person, Community / Clubs, Journalism / Publishing, Politics & Administration, Race Issues, Caribbean Islands
Founder of the North Islington Infant Welfare Centre and School for Mothers in Holloway in 1913. At that time, around 10% of children in Islington died before their fifth birthday. She and her coll...
Firm of undertakers located in South East London.
Kelsey Park is in Beckenham, Kent. The objectives of the group are the conservation and protection of the park’s ecology, plants, animals, birds and its beauty. Its intention is to provide educatio...
Minister and housing campaigner. Born Bruce Henderson Kenrick at 14 Poulter Road, Walton, Liverpool. He practised medicine during World War II and decided to pursue a career as a doctor. While at u...
Tenant management organisation for the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
The tenants and leaseholders of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea manage their own homes, 9,760 properties, through this Tenant Management Organisation.