Bishop David Cashman

Bishop David Cashman

Catholic priest.  Born Bristol.  Rector of of St Mary’s Church Cadogan Street, 1956 (or 8 depending on source) - 1965.   Bishop of Arundel and Brighton from 1965 to 1971.

Person, Religion

1 memorial
Catholic Apostolic Church

Catholic Apostolic Church

The Amwell Society say ". . . an eccentric sect which petered out in the 20th century because its priesthood depended on heredity. What was planned as its cathedral is now the University of Londo...

Group, Religion

1 memorial
Lyon Cawch

Lyon Cawch

Burnt at the stake in Bow (or possibly Stratford) for his Protestant beliefs.

Person, Execution, Religion

1 memorial
Bishop Richard Challoner

Bishop Richard Challoner

Vicar-apostolic of the London District. Died Old Gloucester Street.

Person, Religion

1 memorial
Charterhouse church

Charterhouse church

A chapel was first built here soon after 1348 by Walter de Manny, alongside a burial ground for victims of the Black Death.   In 1371 when the Charterhouse Priory was built here the chapel was inco...

Building, Religion

1 memorial
Revd. Christopher Thomas James Chessun

Revd. Christopher Thomas James Chessun

Rector of St Dunstans Stepney, 1999.  Enthroned as the Bishop of Southwark in 2011.

Person, Religion

1 memorial
China Inland Mission

China Inland Mission

The picture source website provides lots of useful information on the CIM.

Group, Religion, China/Hong Kong

1 memorial
Christchurch - Greyfriars Church

Christchurch - Greyfriars Church

An information board at the site reads: "Christchurch Greyfriars churchyard covers the site of the church of the Franciscan monastery which stood here from about 1228. The original church was demol...

Building, Religion

3 memorials
Christchurch - Greyfriars Vestry

Christchurch - Greyfriars Vestry

Originally added to the church in 1760, built flush against the facade's south side and part of the church's south wall. Partially destroyed 1940, rebuilt in 1981.

Building, Religion

1 memorial
Christ Church, Lambeth

Christ Church, Lambeth

The photo, c.1910, shows the complex of buildings. Damaged in WW2 the church was demolished sometime before 1958, all but the tall Lincoln Tower.

Building, Religion

1 memorial
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