Battle of Abukir
Part of the Napoleonic Wars. The British fought the French at Abu Qir in Egypt and achieved a tactical victory. Britain wanted to land troops on the beach and the French would prefer they stayed ...
1 memorial
War dead, Other war
1 memorial
War dead, Other war
1 memorial
Afghan War
456 UK military died in Afghanistan during this war.
1 memorial
Marine Sam Alexander
Born and grew up in Hammersmith. Joined the Royal Marines, served his first tour of duty in Afghanistan in 2009 and was award the MC. Killed in Afghanistan, aged 28. Andrew Behan has kindly provid...
War dead, Other war
1 memorial
War dead, Other war
1 memorial
Fusilier Geoffrey Frederick Allen
Fusilier Geoffrey Frederick Allen was born on 30 June 1933 in Ambergate, Amber Valley Borough, Derbyshire. He was serving in D Company of the 1st Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regimen...
War dead, Other war
1 memorial
War dead, Other war
1 memorial
War dead, Other war
1 memorial