D. Blackman
Andrew Behan has researched this man: Date of birth is not known. Blackman, who worked for the Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Company in Hong Kong, was a member of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence...
D. W. Blackman
One of the employees of Watney Combe Reid brewers who lost their lives in WW2.
William E. Black
Lance Bombardier William Edward Black. He was born on 19 April 1909 at 49 Norman Road, Bow, the son of George William Black and Ann Maria Black, née Corney. His father was a Printing Ink Maker. He ...
Major Frank Gerald Blaker, MC
Victoria Cross, 1939 - 1945. Highland Light Infantry attached 3bn 9th Gurkha Rifles.
Donald Blakeslee
Colonel Donald James Matthew Blakeslee was born on 11 September 1917 in Fairport Harbor, Lake County, Ohio, USA, the eldest of the three sons of James Harold Blakeslee (1897-1953) and Maria Fanny B...
Leon Blanding
Lieutenant Colonel Leon McFaddin Blanding was born on 30 October 1918 in Sumter, Sumter County, South Carolina, USA, the youngest of the seven children of Donald McQueen Blanding (1868-1934) and Ge...