Henry Brooks

Henry Brooks

Aged 10.


War dead non-military, WW2
1 memorial
Jessie Brooks
War dead non-military, WW2
1 memorial
Johnny Brooks

Johnny Brooks

Member of Eton Manor Boys Club who died in WW2 on active service.


War dead, WW2
1 memorial
K. H. Brooks

K. H. Brooks

Penge resident, member of the armed services, killed in WW2.


War dead, WW2
1 memorial
Mary Brooks

Mary Brooks

Resident, aged 34.


War dead non-military, WW2
1 memorial
Philip Housden Brooks
War dead, WW2
1 memorial
Israel Brookstone
War dead non-military, WW2
1 memorial
Sgt. A. C. Broom
War dead, WW2
1 memorial
M. J. Brophy

M. J. Brophy

Penge resident, member of the armed services, killed in WW2.


War dead, WW2
1 memorial
T. J. Brophy, MM

T. J. Brophy, MM

Penge resident, member of the armed services, killed in WW2.


War dead, WW2
1 memorial
3,618 more subjects