Spanish & Portuguese Jews' Congregation
Initially called 'sha'arhashamayim', the Gate of Heaven, this was the first professing Jewish community in the British Isles to be established in modern times (following the expulsion) and formed t...
David Viscount de Stern
Banker. Born in Frankfurt. Brother to Herman Stern, husband to Sophia and father of Edward and Sydney. In 1869 the King of Portugal conferred the title of Viscount on him in recognition of the wor...
Battle of St Vincent
A British fleet, lead by John Jervis, defeated a Spanish fleet almost twice its size, near Cape St Vincent, Portugal. Nelson distinguished himself in this battle where he commanded HMS Captain and ...
Jonathan Waights
Ceramics artist. From our Picture source website: "Art on Tiles, the hand painted tile company was founded in the 1980s by Jonathan Waights, a British ceramic artist who – as a teenager – was appre...