The first recorded Hall was on Ironmonger Lane close to the current Mercers' Hall. By the early 1400s they were in a building in Cloak Lane. Just before the Great Fire of 1666 the hall was rebuilt. It was totally lost but was quickly rebuilt, opening in 1670. It survived until 1882 when the District Railway Company needed the land and acquired it by compulsory purchase. The Cutlers moved to a newly built Hall on land in Warwick Lane, where a magnificent terracotta frieze by Benjamin Creswick represents cutlers cutlering, i.e. producing and trading in sharp-edged objects such as knives and swords.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Cutlers' Hall
Commemorated ati
Cutlers' Hall
Site of Cutlers' Hall, 1416 - 1883, rebuilt after the Great Fire 1666. The C...
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