Person    | Female  Born 21/10/1891  Died 8/6/1981

Lydia Lopokova

Categories: Dance

Countries: Russia

Ballerina famous during the early 20th century. Born in Russian as Lidiya Vasilyevna Lopukhova. Trained at the Imperial Ballet School. Toured with the Ballets Russes in 1910, and rejoined them in 1916 after a very successful solo time in United States. Danced with Nijinsky and Massine.

1916 she married Ballets Russes' Italian business manager, Randolfo Barrocchi. Had an on-off affair with Igor Stravinsky. John Maynard Keynes was bewitched by her on stage and they began an affair which led to marriage in 1925, once Barrocchi was divorced. She was not welcomed by Keynes's friends in the Bloomsbury circle. They had no children.

Danced her last ballet role in 1933 and when Keynes's died in 1946 she largely disappeared from public view, spending her remaining years in Sussex.

Known as Lydia Lopokova and when Keynes was awarded a peerage in 1942 she became Baroness Keynes, or Lady Keynes.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Lydia Lopokova

Commemorated ati

Muses - Terpsichore

Lydia Lopokova, as Terpsichore the muse of dance and choral poetry, leaves a ...

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