Person    | Female  Born 29/3/1889  Died 17/4/1977

Mary Hutchinson

Categories: Literature

Countries: India, Italy

Short-story writer, socialite, model (for painters) and a member of the Bloomsbury Group.

Born as Mary Barnes in British India. Brought up in Italy and moved to London in 1909. Married barrister St John Hutchinson in 1910. That same year her half-cousin Lytton Strachey and Duncan Grant introduced her to the Bloomsbury Group. She became a hostess and patroness, hosting lavish soirees.

Had many lovers including Clive Bell 1914 - 27, brief liaisons with Vita Sackville-West and Matisse's son-in-law, Georges Duthuit. Her friendships with Aldous Huxley and his wife, Virginia Woolf and T. S. Eliot and his wife were very close. With these people it's difficult to know how much to read into "close relationship"!

Died London.

This undated image showing Hutchinson in a rather natty hat, comes from: the Jeremy Hutchinson Archive, SxMS207. University of Sussex Special Collections at The Keep.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Mary Hutchinson

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Muses - Erato

Mary Hutchinson as Erato the muse of lyric poetry. Note the owl behind her.

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