
Novello family

Musicians, singers and music publishers. Occupied 69 Meard Street, 1834-1898. Father Vincent born 1781. Not related to Ivor. The publishing company is now part of the Music Sales Group.

Had printing works in Hollen Street and some splendid offices at 152-160 Wardour Street, built by Frank Pearson (son of John Pearson) in 1906. The offices are now (2016) occupied by Yamaha, appropriately a music shop. See English Buildings and the Telegraph for some more on the Wardour Street building.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Novello family

Commemorated ati

Meard Street

2022: We were contacted by David Bieda who wrote: "Meard Street plaque. I’d l...

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