Born London. Merchant, philanthropist, social reformer, and, in 1882, founder of the Regent Street Polytechnic which became a model for later social and educational centres for underprivileged youth. For more than three decades, Hogg and his wife, Alice, devoted their time and fortune to work among poor young people in London. (from the Encyclopaedia Britannica). Grandfather of Quintin Hogg, Lord Hailsham.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Quintin Hogg
Commemorated ati
Alice and Quintin Hogg
{On the left face of the plinth:} 1845 - 1918, Alice A Hogg, whose unfailing...
Quintin Hogg at Cavendish Square
London County Council Quintin Hogg, 1845 - 1903, founder of the Polytechnic,...
Quintin Hogg at the Poly
Quintin Hogg, educator & Christian benefactor, expanded his work by found...
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