Person    | Male  Born 1762  Died 8/7/1824

Rev. Thomas Beasley

Categories: Religion

From Uxbridge Gallimaufry: "Thomas Beasley grew up in Daventry, and later trained for the Congregational ministry. His first pastorate was at Walsall, where he met and married his wife, Phoebe. In 1790 he accepted an invitation to Old Meeting chapel in Uxbridge, and two years later he and Phoebe started the first Sunday School in the town there. Beasley also ran a school for boys, at first in his house on the corner of the High Street and Vine Street (where the RBS is today). Later the chapel trustees rebuilt their premises at 126 High Street, and Beasley moved in with his school. It was called simply Uxbridge School, and was part-day and part-boarding. The emblem of the school was a tortoise, and the motto was "Persevere if you are wise". Presumably Beasley had the fable of the hare and the tortoise in mind! After Thomas died the school was continued by his son, Dr Thomas Beasley."

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Rev. Thomas Beasley

Commemorated ati

Thomas Beasley

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