Person    | Male  Born 13/7/1940 

Sir James Michael Yorrick Oliver

James Michael Yorrick Oliver was born on 13 July 1940, his birth being registered in the 3rd quarter of 1940 in the Worthing Registration District, Sussex (now West Sussex). His mother's maiden name was Douglas.

He married Sally H. E. Exner (b.1942) in the 2nd quarter of 1963 in the Andover Registration District, Hampshire

He was an investment banker and served as the 674th Lord Mayor of the City of London 2001-2002. His Wikipedia page gives much information about the man.

The London Gazette dated 5 January 1990 shows that he was appointed as an Officer (Brother) in the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem.

The London Gazette dated 31 December 2002 shows that the Queen signified her intention of conferring the honour of Knighthood upon Alderman James Michael Yorrick Oliver, lately Lord Mayor of London, for services to the City of London.

He is shown as 'Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor Alderman, Michael Oliver' on the Millennium Measure memorial under the Millennium Bridge, Paul's Walk, London, EC4.

Credit for this entry to: Andrew Behan.

This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Sir James Michael Yorrick Oliver

Creations i

Millennium Measure

This monument is a tall, triangular, pyramidal, glass case containing a steel...

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