A former further education college, with sites in Waterloo, Bermondsey and Camberwell. It merged with Lewisham College.
Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of www.plaquesoflondon.co.uk
A former further education college, with sites in Waterloo, Bermondsey and Camberwell. It merged with Lewisham College.
Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of www.plaquesoflondon.co.uk
This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Southwark College
{Upper plaque:} In memory of Bermondsey GP, Dr. Salter, 1873 - 1945, who devo...
First name was Thomas but he did not use it. The first Provost of University College London, 1904–1929. Vice-Chancellor of the University of London from 1928 to 1930.
This is not a college but an organisation that provides residential accommodation for students and academics working in London. Competition for places is strong and applicants have to show that t...
We have found some very interesting information about this School. It grew out of the Ring and Rose Club. The architect F. W. Troup was art adviser and governor. It was closely associated with the ...
From our Image Source, the Camden New Journal, we learn than Sally Peltier was born in Buckinghamshire and that her father, Eric Anson, was a farm manager. Due to his job, the family moved frequent...
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