
Dovehouse Green - Victorian plaque


Parish of Chelsea
For the ??? and
Kings Road ???
Wa ??? out
??? Authority
of ??? the
??? 188? 

Gerald Blunt - MA Rector
H. Oughton, G. R. Craney - Churchwardens

We think this plaque was probably erected in 1882 when the land was repurposed from burial ground to a garden, but a lot of the inscription is lost. Possibly more could be read with the use of fingers.

Site: Dovehouse Green - Victorian plaque (1 memorial)

SW3, Dovehouse Green

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Dovehouse Green - Victorian plaque

Subjects commemorated i

Dovehouse Green

Here we summarise the splendid London Gardens Online : Land given by Sir Han...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Dovehouse Green - Victorian plaque

Created by i

Gerald Blunt

Rector of Chelsea Old Church.  Brother of Wilfred Scawen Blunt and father of ...

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G. R. Craney

Co-churchwarden of Chelsea Old Church in 1882.  By 1884 he was an ex-churchwa...

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H. Oughton

Co-churchwarden of Chelsea Old Church in 1882. In 1884 he was named on a tabl...

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