Animal    From 1851 

Moby Dick

Written by Herman Melville. First published, in London, in 1851.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Moby Dick

Commemorated ati

Herman Melville

Herman Melville, 1819 - 1891, author of Moby Dick, lived here in 1849. Englis...

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Other Subjects

Henry Williamson

Henry Williamson

Writer. Born at 66 Braxfield Road, Brockley. His best known work, 'Tarka the Otter' was published in 1927. He attended the Nuremberg rally in Berlin and saw Adolf Hitler as a source of good for his...

Person, Literature, Germany

1 memorial
Rape of the Lock

Rape of the Lock

Poem by Alexander Pope. Its convoluted plot concerns a character called Belinda and a count who is determined to obtain a lock of her hair. Originally written in two cantos, it was expanded in 1714...

Fiction, Literature

1 memorial
Lady Antonia Fraser

Lady Antonia Fraser

Author. Born Antonia Margaret Caroline Pakenham, daughter of the 7th Earl of Longford. Best known for historical biographies such as 'Mary Queen of Scots' and 'Cromwell, Our Chief of Men'. She was ...

Person, Literature

1 memorial
Elizabeth David

Elizabeth David

Cookery writer. Born as Elizabeth Gwynne into a wealthy family. Travelled in Europe and around the Mediterranean, spending some years in Cairo, where she married in 1944. Returned to England in 194...

Person, Food & Drink, Literature, Seriously Famous

1 memorial
Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf

Author and publisher. Born Leonard Sidney Woolf in Kensington. After working in the Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) Civil Service, he returned to Britain where he met and married Virginia Stephen. Together ...

Person, Journalism / Publishing, Literature, Ceylon

4 memorials