


On this site lived two famous clockmakers, Thomas Tompion, F.R.S. "the father of English clockmaking", 1638 - 1713 and George Graham, F.R.S., 1673 - 1751. Both buried in Westminster Abbey.

Site: Clockmakers & Anti-Corn Law League (2 memorials)

EC4, Fleet Street, 69

The ACLL plaque is on the wall to the left, hidden by the wall-mounted No Entry sign.

Note: despite their appearance, neither of these two plaques bears the name ‘Corporation of the City of London’.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:

Subjects commemorated i

George Graham

Horologist (clockmaker) and maker of scientific instruments. Born near Carli...

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Thomas Tompion

F.R.S. "the father of English clockmaking". Buried in Westminster Abbey.

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:

Also at this site i

Anti-Corn Law League

Anti-Corn Law League

On this site in the years 1844-1846 were situated the London offices of the A...

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