
Hogarth - Harrow on the Hill


1697 - 1764

Looking to connect Hogarth with Harrow we found: c.1800 Crown Street in Harrow was named Hogarth Lane; and Hogarth painted the Graham Children of Harrow.

Site: Charles I, Hogarth, Reynolds (3 memorials)

HA1, Grove Hill, Art School

Not to be confused with Harrow School of Art. this is Harrow School's art department, hence the artists's memorials.

The two busts are on the right, east, wing of the building, which is Listed Grade II: "1896, by W C Marshall. Single-storey with 2-storey recessed wing on left and low single-storey wing on right. Simple neo-Jacobean. Red brick with stone dressings. Stone porch in angle with left wing. Central transmullioned oriel on main front under dutch gables. Wing to right has relief plaques of Hogarth and Reynolds flanking central door. High panelled chimney on left."

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Hogarth - Harrow on the Hill

Subjects commemorated i

William Hogarth

Satirical artist and illustrator. Trained as an engraver, he depicted the uns...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Hogarth - Harrow on the Hill

Also at this site i

Charles I - Harrow on the Hill

Charles I - Harrow on the Hill

{Above the portrait bust:} Carolus Rex {Below the portrait bust:} Near this ...

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Reynolds - Harrow on the Hill

Reynolds - Harrow on the Hill

We can find nothing to connect Reynolds with Harrow.

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