
Squeeze debut gig

Erection date: 23/3/2010


PRS for Music
Squeeze first gigged here, 1975, presented to Greenwich dance agency borough hall.
PRS for music heritage award

Present at the unveiling: founding members Chris Difford and Glenn Tilbrook.

Site: Squeeze debut gig (1 memorial)

SE10, Royal Hill, Greenwich Borough Hall

After the plaque was unveiled by members of the band, it promptly disappeared. Trophy hunting was suspected, which would have been particulary daring as there is a police station literally feet away. It transpired that the Greenwich Borough Hall is a listed building.(hard to see why from the outside, but it does contain some art deco features). Greenwich Borough Council gave permission for the plaque to be erected temporarily, on condition that it was then taken down awaiting planning application. The plaque was re-erected some time in February 2011. It was originally in a prominent position on the side of the building, but is now stuck next to a fire alarm.

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Squeeze debut gig

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English rock band that came to prominence during the 'new wave' period. Famou...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Squeeze debut gig

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PRS for Music

Previously known as the Performing Rights Society. They have also erected pl...

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