
William Vincent

Erection date: 2010


{On the oval plaque with relief bust, top left:}
Eloquere puer eloquere

{Bottom right:}
Karen Newman

{On tablet below medallion:}
In 1810 William Vincent (1739 - 1815), Dean of Westminster and formerly headmaster of Westminster School, paid a ploughman to mark out ten acres of playing fields for the pupils from open ground known as Tothill Fields. At the school, Vincent Square is still called 'Fields'.
Vincent Square Residents Association 2010.

The terracotta plaque and Nabresina stone tablet, were commissioned by the residents' association to commemorate the bicentenary of the allocating of the grounds as school playing fields. The sculpture is based on a painting by William Owen, court painter to the Prince Regent.
'Eloquere puer eloquere' translates as 'Speak out boy, speak out', Vincent's familiar cry when headmaster of Westminster School. Ornamental Passions provides some more information.

Site: William Vincent (1 memorial)

SW1, Vincent Square, Junction with Hatherley Street

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of www.plaquesoflondon.co.uk

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
William Vincent

Subjects commemorated i

William Vincent

Schoolar and theologian. Born Limehouse. Educated at Westminster School. Head...

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Westminster School

Public school. Its full name is The Royal College of St Peter in Westminster....

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
William Vincent

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