Person    | Male  Born 13/10/1933  Died 11/9/2010

Lord Bingham of Cornhill

Categories: Law

Countries: Wales

Born as Thomas Henry Bingham on 13 October 1933, his birth was registered in the Marylebone registration district.

Appointed to the High Court Bench (Queen's Bench Division) in 1980; a Lord Justice of Appeal in 1986; and Master of the Rolls in 1992. Appointed Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales in 1996.

He died, aged 76 years, on 11 September 2010 and was buried in the churchyard of St Cynog's Church, 3 Church Close, Boughrood, Brecon, LD3 0DJ.

His Wikipedia page and his obituary give full details of his life.

Credit for this entry to: Andrew Behan.

This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Lord Bingham of Cornhill

Creations i

B R Ambedkar - tree

(catalpa Bignoides or Indian Bean Tree) Planted by H.E. Dr. L. M. Singhvi, H...

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Magna Carta fountain

Interesting that no artist is named for this sculpture. As far as we can tel...

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