King John mosaic

King John mosaic

TW20, High Street, Egham

The translation is provided by our language consultant, David Hopkins. He points out some abbreviations, Anglicisations and errors but c...

1 subject commemorated
Crystal Crown

Crystal Crown

E1, St Katharine's Dock, Thistle Hotel

The information states that the sculpting was done "on this site", but the Coronarium was roofless.  The photos at Fine Art Facts show th...

1 subject commemorated, 4 creators
George & Debbie Bunting

George & Debbie Bunting

N1, New River Walk

In memory of George & Debbie Bunting, Islington Art Circle 1946 - 2000.

2 subjects commemorated, 1 creator
Reinhard Ziegler

Reinhard Ziegler

N21, Highfield Road, Orange Tree pub

In the back garden of the pub so we've no idea how we spotted it. But once we had we couldn't not collect it - very unusual.

1 subject commemorated
Hurlingham Yacht Club

Hurlingham Yacht Club

SW15, Deodar Road, 43a

1922 is the year that the Club took on its current name, though we don't know what it was previously called. We can't discover the conne...

3 subjects commemorated, 1 creator
Octavia Hill - Finchley

Octavia Hill - Finchley

N3, East End Road, 17, Stephens House

Hill's family were living in Brownswell Cottages in 1851. These were on Finchley High Road just south of where the North Circular now cr...

2 subjects commemorated
Victoria's 60th, Clock tower

Victoria's 60th, Clock tower

N5, Highbury Hill

 All four sides sport a low relief portrait of Queen Victoria in wreathed roundels half-way up.

2 subjects commemorated, 7 creators
Aldersgate Flame

Aldersgate Flame

EC1, Bastion High Walk, Museum of London entrance

2021: Karen Kirkham has kindly written to say "The monument, designed by my late father-in-law R. M. P. Ludlow, was erected in 1990."  Th...

5 subjects commemorated, 3 creators
Clarendon Arch - 1682

Clarendon Arch - 1682

N21, Bush Hill

We are indebted to John Salmon at Geograph for his photo of this arch. The Portland keystone depicts Sir Hugh Myddelton’s coat of arms.

2 subjects commemorated, 2 creators
St Dunstan's House - plasterwork panels

St Dunstan's House - plasterwork panels

EC4, Chancery Lane, Maughan Library of King's College, ex-PRO

This example of architectural reclamation was brought to our attention by Discovering London's Friday elephant. There you can see not jus...

2 subjects commemorated, 1 creator
186 more memorials