Howell Powell Edwards

Howell Powell Edwards

W2, St Mary's Terrace

Our thanks, as ever, to our Welsh consultant, David Hopkins, for providing the transcription (Welsh in Gothic script defeated us) and the...

1 subject commemorated
Curtain Theatre - Curtain Road

Curtain Theatre - Curtain Road

EC2, Curtain Road, Horse and Groom pub

Great display of street art on the side of this pub - all by Schade.  More about the site of the Curtain Theatre at the plaque, Curtain T...

2 subjects commemorated, 1 creator
George Green School - Clock

George Green School - Clock

E14, East India Dock Road, 155, National Skills Academy

From VADS : "At the ceremony of presentation on Thursday 4 October 1928, the clock was set in motion by Richard H. Green. It was damaged ...

1 subject commemorated
Queen Elizabeth's Oak

Queen Elizabeth's Oak

SE10, Greenwich Park

The old tree is presumably gradually being decomposed by beetles and the like. The new tree may be the one to the far right of our picture.

4 subjects commemorated, 2 creators
Tower subway

Tower subway

EC3, Tower Hill

The original entrance was demolished in 1926 and replaced with this little tower.

2 subjects commemorated
Wright and Docking

Wright and Docking

EC3, Lower Thames Street

An off-the-shelf gravestone unusually used as a memorial outside of a cemetery.

2 subjects commemorated
Natasha Baker gold post box

Natasha Baker gold post box

UB8, High Street, Uxbridge

The Braille is a nice touch (ha, ha) but the plaque, on the back of the box, looks pretty cheap, and cheaply fixed - we won't be surprise...

2 subjects commemorated, 1 creator
Camden stables

Camden stables

NW1, Canal tow path, Camden Market

The phone box has a footprint about equal to that of 4 normal boxes and seems to be used as an office by the security staff. We think ...

1 subject commemorated
Sundial - Liverpool Road

Sundial - Liverpool Road

N7, Liverpool Road, 344

This 1820s terrace, numbers 338 - 344, of semi-detached villas was listed in 1975 but that doesn't tell us what happened in 1903 that was...

St Mary's Hospital - Fifth Army

St Mary's Hospital - Fifth Army

W2, Norfolk Place, St Mary's Hospital - Cambridge wing

The red fox was the insignia of the Fifth Army.

2 subjects commemorated
176 more memorials