
Aldersgate Flame

Erection date: 24/5/1981


{On the west face:}
Wednesday May 24 1738
"What occurred .......law of sin and death."
{This full text is widely available on the web so we have not transcribed it here.}

{On the south side at the foot:}
The John Wesley Conversion Place Memorial May 24 1981.
Property of the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes
Morris Singer Founders London

{On the back of the memorial:}
James Hutton, Bookseller
Wm. Strahan, Printer
W. Caslon, Letter-Founder
MD.CC.XL {1740 - the date the first part of the Journal was published.}

{Extracted from the information plaque on the wall behind the memorial:}
John Wesley's Conversion Place Memorial, the Aldersgate Flame, was erected here in 1981 at highwalk level, in modern Nettleton Court. It marks as closely as possible the street level location of the original conversion place of John Wesley in old Nettleton Court, in eighteenth century Aldersgate.

On the face of the Memorial are enlarged facsimile extracts in cast bronze of John Wesley’s account of the events of Wednesday May 24th 1738, the Conversion Day of John Wesley, as described in his original printed text of the first edition of John Wesley’s Journal. No attempt is made at explanation or commentary. On the back of the Memorial are the names of the three local tradesmen concerned with Wesley in the production and marketing of the Journal.

Site: Aldersgate Flame (1 memorial)

EC1, Bastion High Walk, Museum of London entrance

2021: Karen Kirkham has kindly written to say "The monument, designed by my late father-in-law R. M. P. Ludlow, was erected in 1990."  The monument is actually inscribed with "1981" so we think that it was erected somewhere else in 1981 and then, in 1990, moved to its present location.  Can any one help?

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Aldersgate Flame

Subjects commemorated i

Wesley's second conversion

Wesley attended a meeting convened by James Hutton in Nettleton Court, off Al...

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William Caslon

Caslon came from the West Midlands. Created the Caslon typeface, first used i...

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James Hutton

A minister in the Moravian church and the Aldersgate bookseller of John Wesle...

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William Strahan

The Aldersgate printer of John Wesley's Journal. Born Edinburgh.  Also printe...

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John Wesley

Founder of the Methodist denomination of the Protestant religion. Born Epwort...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Aldersgate Flame

Created by i

Aldersgate Trustees of the Methodist Church

Also known as "Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes". The purposes of the T...

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Martin Ludlow

Sculptor.  From minutes of the Trustees committee: "Martin was the visionary,...

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Morris Singer Foundry

Founded by John Webb Singer as the Frome Art Metal Works. Cast many of the be...

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