
Charles Darwin bust


{Inscription on the glass frontage:}
A plaster cast of Darwin was relocated from this window when the Grant Museum of Zoology was moved over the road.
Institute of Making members were challenged to create a new Darwin in any form or medium using data from a 3D laser scan of the original bust. This full sized resin version was milled using the massive robot arm "La Toyah" at B-Made, the CADCAM lab at the Bartlett.

This website gives more detailed information about the creation of the bust.

In 2011, the Grant Museum moved from its previous location in the Darwin Building, Gower Street, to the Thomas Lewis Room in the Rockefeller Building, University Street, formerly the UCL Medical School library.

Site: Charles Darwin bust (1 memorial)

WC1, Gower Street, UCL Biological Sciences Building

The bust is in a case on the right hand side of the entrance.

Professor Joe Cain has researched the history of this site, which includes Darwin's house, number 12 Upper Gower Street, and the house(s) where the Coopers lived, 90-94 Gower Street.

No plaque but Lady Diana Cooper moved to number 90 Gower Street with her husband, Duff Cooper in 1920, and then expanded into the first floors of numbers 92 and 94. They lived here until 1937, years that Diana considered some of her happiest. See her page for more details.

Professor Cain's aerial photo shows the site after war-time bombing.

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of plaquesoflondon.co.uk

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Charles Darwin bust

Subjects commemorated i

Charles Darwin

Charles Robert Darwin, father of the theory of evolution and natural selectio...

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Grant Museum of Zoology

A natural history museum that is part of University College London. It was es...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Charles Darwin bust

Created by i

Institute of Making

A multidisciplinary research club based at University College London. Its wor...

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