
Alice Drakoules bird bath

Erection date: 1937


{Carved into the west side:}
In memory of Alice Marie Drakoules, 1850 - 1934, for forty years a devoted and generous worker in London for animal welfare, this memorial is erected by her friends, 1937.

The north face is carved with images of a deer, squirrel, fox and pelican. The opposite face shows a horse, cat, dog and pigeon. The animals are all placed rather randomly, not worked into a pleasing design. The east side shows signs of a long inscription but it has been weathered out of legibility.

We've chosen to show the horse carving, despite the unhelpful shadows, since the deer carving is available elsewhere, such as Hilda Keen.

Site: Alice Drakoules bird bath (1 memorial)

NW8, St John's Wood High Street, St John's Wood church gardens

A bird bath is an appropriate memorial for a campaigner against cruelty to animals - see the 1933 work by Pibworth that commemorates Margaret Damer Dawson. We have not found the name of the sculptor for Drakoules's sculpture and wonder if it also is by Pibworth.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Alice Drakoules bird bath

Subjects commemorated i

Alice Drakoules

Campaigner for animal welfare. Alice Marie Drakoules (née Lambe) was born c.1...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Alice Drakoules bird bath

Created by i

friends of Alice Drakoules

Erected the bird bath in 1937.

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