
Bowler plaque - Match Girls

Erection date: 1995


match girls

The plaque punningly represents "match girls" - very nice. Hanbury Hall is where they met to organise their strikes for better working conditions.

This cast-iron roundel is one of 22 - see Bowler's page for more details.

Site: Hanbury Hall (4 memorials)

E1, Hanbury Street, 22, Hanbury Community Centre

Below the oval blue plaque there is a foundation stone:
This stone was laid by Mr William Forster - superintendant
C. Mc.I North - Archt.
August 1864

The white plaque used to be just to the right of the foundation stone, under the windowsill.  This plaque was removed when the building was renovated in 2015.  It emerged with two new memorials: the tiles and the blue oval.  We thank our colleague Alan for these photos.

The pavement plaque is immediately outside the entrance.

From Spitalfields Life:"The Hanbury Hall in Hanbury St was built in 1719 as a Huguenot Church, standing back from the road behind a courtyard with a pump. The building was extended in 1864 and is now the church hall for Christ Church, Spitalfields."

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Bowler plaque - Match Girls

Subjects commemorated i

Matchgirls' strike

A strike of the women and teenage girls working at the Bryant and May Factory...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Bowler plaque - Match Girls

Created by i

Keith Bowler

We cannot find any information about Bowler himself, only that in c.1990-2010...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Bowler plaque - Match Girls

Also at this site i

Hanbury Hall - blue oval plaque

Hanbury Hall - blue oval plaque

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Hanbury Hall  - tiled plaque

Hanbury Hall - tiled plaque

These 20 Delft tiles are decorated with scenes and symbols important in Hugue...

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Hanbury Hall - white plaque - removed

Hanbury Hall - white plaque - removed

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