
Bunhill burial ground - 5


In this ground are the vaults of {see the Subjects commemorated for the list of 15 names}.

Site: Bunhill burial ground (4 memorials)

EC1, City Road

The 5 piers on the City Road boundary each carry a golden inscription.  We list them here south to north.

There is a common misapprehension that the three Cromwells named on these piers are the sons of Oliver but according to the 1897 book 'The House of Cromwell', they are his great-grandsons, via his son Henry (1628 - 1674) and Henry's son, Major Henry (1658 - 1711) and his wife Hannah Hewling.  A fourth brother, Thomas Cromwell (1699 - c.1750), is also buried here but doesn't get a mention on the piers.

Historical Trinkets gives a good history of this burial ground, together with photos of many of the tombs.  As well as the names given on the piers we understand the following were also buried here: Richard Price (see scientific life assurance), Thomas Newcomen, Susanna Wesley, grandfather of J. R. R. Tolkien and Thomas Bayes, originator of inverse probability theory.

Note the Quaker Bunhill Fields Burial Ground is nearby but not the same place.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Bunhill burial ground - 5

Subjects commemorated i

Daniel Defoe

Novelist. Born in the parish of Cripplegate, as Daniel Foe, adding the "de" l...

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Lady Anne Agnes Erskine

Born Edinbugh, eldest daughter of the Earl of Buchan. There is a story about ...

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Andrew Gifford, DD

Non-conformist minister and numismatist. Born Bristol. Became Baptist ministe...

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John Gill, DD

Baptist pastor.  Born Northamptonshire.  Pastor at Goat Yard Chapel, Horselyd...

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Joseph Hardcastle

Merchant and evangelical activist.  Born Leeds.  Came to London in 1766.  Goo...

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Show all 15

This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Bunhill burial ground - 5

Also at this site i

Bunhill burial ground - 1

Bunhill burial ground - 1

In this ground are the vaults of {see the Subjects commemorated for the list ...

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Bunhill burial ground - 2

Bunhill burial ground - 2

In this ground are the vaults of {see the Subjects commemorated for the list ...

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Bunhill burial ground - 3 & 4

Bunhill burial ground - 3 & 4

It would be nice if the two Lord Mayor Lawrences were related but we can't co...

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49 memorials